To support the November Hoard’s Dairyman webinar where the University of Illinois’ Mike Hutjens gave his annual crop quality review, let’s take a look at two unexpected outcomes of the...
It was July 23, 1999, when two college classmates and I boarded a plane to Madison, Wis. On this date, I began a journey that would change my life substantially
Providing a third-party yield and quality evaluation of dozens of hybrids each year is a large undertaking, and to get the most value from this effort, each year we ask ourselves what other information...
Corn silage has long been known as the cornerstone of the dairy ration, providing a valuable fibrous energy that is difficult to replace in the diet. Over the years, land grant institutes have invested...
“This harvest for silage is going to be different, but let’s embrace the opportunity at hand and manage what we can,” said John Goeser during the August Hoard’s Dairyman webinar....
In parts of the country that haven’t chopped corn for silage yet, the anticipation grows in regard to when the crop will be ready and how good the feed will be. During the August Hoard’s Dairyman...
Optimizing corn harvest for silage under variable growing conditionspresented by John Goeser, Rock River Laboratorysponsored by Lallemand During this session, Goeser will lean on hi
One of the annual summer staples around here — best served up lathered in butter and a good sprinkling of salt, in my opinion — is homegrown sweet corn
As the season rolls on, many baseball teams are recognizing mid-season adjustments are necessary to improve their chances for success. In baseball, success is defined by achieving the postseason and advancing
Agronomically speaking, healthier corn plants equate to improved crop performance and yield. Crop protection practices resulting in healthier corn likely also contribute to more efficiency with nutrient...
Over the past few weeks, our Goeser household has had a fair amount of sluggish behavior following bacterial and viral-borne illnesses that ran through our family
With $6.50 per bushel of corn, corn silage is worth considerably more per ton today relative to five years ago. Using a multiplier of 10 times the value per bushel for corn grain nets a $65 per ton pr
Coming out of the 2021 growing season, starch levels were up in corn silage despite similar moisture measures when compared to the prior year. In theory, more grain equates to more energy. However, ma